Acne Vitamin Deficiency
Deficiency of vitamin A a fat-soluble vitamin causes dry scaly skin acne and psoriasis. Anyway lot more than we can get from our nowadays food. Is Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Your Acne Deficiency of vitamin A a fat-soluble vitamin causes dry scaly skin acne and psoriasis. Acne vitamin deficiency . This deficiency may be a factor in the development of acne. The conjunctiva and cornea of the eye become dry which leads to thickening of the tissues. The theory that acne is caused by a vitamin B5 deficiency was first postulated by doctor Lit-Hung Leung MD in Medical Hypotheses. Vitamin A deficiency can also cause much more serious eye problems. The link between vitamin C deficiency and acne involves collagen which is the protein that makes up the skin. The findings published in the journal PLoS One noted that 488. But not in megadoses cause this is insine. Acnes relationship with vitamin E isnt as well studied as with vitamin A or zinc. Acne is undeniably a disease of...