Mucus And Phlegm
Some mucus in your airways is a good thing. That makes your nose feel clogged. Buy Benylin Extra Strength Mucus Phlegm Syrup 180 Ml Online In Canada Free Ship 29 When youre suffering from an infection such as a chest cold the phlegm contains both the virusbacteria causing the infection as well as your bodys white blood cells that are battling the infection. Mucus and phlegm . Phlegm is a type of mucus that is produced in the lungs and nearby lower respiratory tract airways. Phlegm is the specific name for mucus that you cough up from your lungs. The main function of mucus is to act as a protective barrier against foreign particles. This kind of mucus has a crucial role in preventing germs and. Mucus refers to the regular secretions of the epithelial layer that is thin and slippery. Even if you find mucus gross it is important. Mucus is normal to have however when the body is exposed to certain things like illness allergens or smoke mucus can be overproduced. Phleg...