Can Vegetarians Eat Fish
Vegetarians cannot eat fish. Nowadays there are vegetarians who eat fish and other seafood. Cara Vegetarian Memiliki Pola Makan Yang Sehat Dengan Gambar Still they do not eat fish. Can vegetarians eat fish . There is no such thing as a pesce vegetarian or a pollo. Ad Search Vegetarian Meals Delivered. Ad Search Vegetarian Meals Delivered. Pescetarian - Someone who does not eat meat but still eats fish. A vegetarian diet is traditionally plant-based but there are many types of vegetarian diets such as semi-vegetarian and vegan. You can however be a pescetarian and enjoy fish and seafood. Get Results from 6 Engines at Once. You can also be a flexitarian which isnt really a thing at all but is sometimes used to describe a. Individuals who avoid meat but continue to consume fish are known as pescetarians. Vegetarians dont eat fish and they never have. Theres no such thing as a semi-vegetarian or a flexetarian or a vegetarian who eats fish. There is a common m...