Jaguar In The Rain Forest
Jaguars are good swimmers and hunt everything from fish to birds to deer and domestic livestock. J aguars are known to eat deer peccary crocodiles snakes monkeys deer sloths tapirs turtles eggs frogs fish and anything else they can catch. Top 10 Facts About Jaguars Wwf The Amazon Rainforest is the perfect place for a jaguar especially with the Amazon River flowing through. Jaguar in the rain forest . Once found in great numbers jaguars are now mainly confined to the Amazon rainforest and the Pantanal wetlands. Jaguars are capable of roaring which is very common with large cats. The jungle is their home but as reported in a recent article in the Guardian UK human intrusion is endangering the largest cat in the Americas. Jaguar fossils excavated in the Americas date back to 130000 years BP. Dec 12 2019 - Explore Hannah Douglass board Rainforest - Jaguar on Pinterest. The Jaguar is one of the most enigmatic elegant and elusive big cat native to the Americas. Jaguar i...